Related Pages
- Introduction to Akiva
- Headteacher's welcome
- Quotes from Akiva Parents
- Quotes from Akiva Children
- Who's Who
- Teaching Staff
- Support Staff
- School Council
- Governing Body
- School Ethos
- Admissions
- Inspection reports
- Quotes from Ofsted about Akiva
- Quotes from Pikuach about Akiva
- Statutory Information
- School Policies
- Safeguarding
- Parent Info
- Covid-19 Information
- Staff Vacancies
Statutory Information
This page contains links to all of the statutory information which all schools are required by law to make available.
Contact details
Admission arrangements
- The school's admission arrangements and information on how to access this information on the local authority's website
Reports and results
- Information on where to access the school's most recent Ofsted report and the school performance tables as published on the DfE's website
- The school's most recent data from statutory assessments - including KS2 SATs
- The school's most recent Pikuach report
- The following information about the school curriculum:
- For each academic year, the content of the curriculum followed for each subject and guidance on how to find out more about the curriculum
- For KS1, the names of any phonics or reading schemes in operation
Policies and publication scheme
- Behaviour Policy
- Anti-bullying Policy
- Complaints policy and procedure
- Charging and remission policy
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Pupil Privacy Notice
- School Workforce (including Volunteers) Privacy Notice
- Governors Privacy Policy
- Parent & Carers Privacy Policy
- Early Years Foundation Stage Policy
- Equality Information & Objectives Policy
- School Uniform Policy
- Accessibility Plan
- Data Protection Policy
- ECT Policy
View other Akiva School Policies
Allocated funding
- The amount of the school’s allocation from the Pupil Premium grant in respect of the current academic year plus details of how the allocation will be spent and how the previous academic year’s allocation was spent. Also the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils for whom the funding was allocated.
- Details about how we spend our PE & Sport Premium and the outcomes we achieve: 2021-2022 and 2022-2023
A summary of how the Covid-19 Catch-Up Premium has been used to support pupils at Akiva.
SEND information
- The School Offer (SEND Information Report) and the SEND policy, including the date of its annual review.
- The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) for Akiva is Michaela Bishop.
Equality Information
Governors’ information and duties
If you require any documents in an alternative format or language, please contact the school office and we will try to accommodate all requests.
Financial Benchmarking
Please click here for the school's Financial Benchmarking page.
School Development Plan
Please click School_Development_Plan_2024-2025.pdfhere for the school's Development Plan 2024-2025.