Reception - Hebrew Outcomes
The expected outcomes in Hebrew for the Reception year group can be found here.Hebrew Curriculum
Hebrew is taught from Reception as a modern foreign language. We use two schemes; Chalav u’Dvash and Ivrit Be'Click, both of which focus on speaking and listening. The lessons are conducted in Hebrew, using a range of lively approaches including games, role play, short video clips, songs, flashcards, puppets and interactive whiteboard resources.
As they progress, the children are taught to read simple stories and to write their own sentences and later compositions and stories, using block then script letters. The learning is differentiated for the range of abilities in each class and the needs of Hebrew speakers are met through a specific programme.
The use of Hebrew words and phrases is in evidence throughout the school and Hebrew language learning is reinforced through the teaching of Hebrew songs and Israeli dance, daily prayer and learning Torah through the study of Hebrew text.
For more information about the Hebrew Curriculum at Akiva and for the Hebrew progression map please go to the curriculum subject information boxes and click on the Hebrew link.
Shtilim Breakfast Club
One of the clubs Akiva offers, is the Shtilim Breakfast Club. Organised by a group of parents, it offers the Tal Am programme four mornings a week for children in Y1 to Y6. The aim is to teach Ivrit as a modern foreign language and as a tool for engaging with the Jewish tradition and Israeli society. Lessons are conducted completely in Hebrew. By setting very high standards in Hebrew teaching and learning we will allow our children the freedom to choose their way of interacting with the language. http://www.shtilim.org.uk